Detects and installs ttings and ttings additions.Merges changed xml and ini files with preexisting ones.Detects xml and ini files and copies them to the correct place inside bin.Installs mods from archives, folders or directly from Nexus Mods.Detects mod conflicts and notifies when script merging is required.Downloads and checks for updates from Nexus Mods.Allows enabling and disabling individual mods with proper handling of xml and ini additions.Allows configuration of load order priorities.Displays information about directories, size, settings additions, menu files, installation dates and more.This list is preliminary and may change before release. W3modmanager is currently under development and not yet usable. It focuses on usability and reliably correct handling of the various mod formats found in the wild.
It was inspired by The Witcher 3 Mod Manager, but was created from the ground up to enable additional features and more resilient mod management by separating mods into their separate components.
W3modmanager is a tool that simplifies installation and management of mods for The Witcher 3. Mod manager and installer for The Witcher 3.